Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Versatile Bloggers

The lovely @Syd_Gill was kind enough to pass this blogger award on to me last week just before I left on vacation. I met Syd online over a year ago, and she is an awesome mom, graphic artist, author and the admin of the Frostfans website . We share a love of Jeaniene Frost's stories. Syd's blog can be found at

So thank you, Syd, for the blogger award, my very first! To accept the blogger award, I must reveal seven factoids about myself and then pass the award onto my favorite bloggers.

Factoid #1 - My first car was a green 1965 Chevy Nova.
Factoid #2 - I’ve been to Alaska.
Factoid #3 - I have driven coast to coast. Twice.
Factoid #4 - Sweet potatoes make me gag.
Factoid #5 - Blue is my happy color.
Factoid #6 - When I was 10 yrs old, I told my grandma I would write a book.
Factoid #7 - I’m working on it.

And now to pass this award along. As my friend Syd mentioned, I write solo and collaboratively  in the Southern Vampire Mysteries - Sookie Stackhouse fandom, and in the Night Huntress fandom. I started out as a fan fiction reader and reviewer, and I’ve been privileged to meet some very talented ladies in the fan fiction community.
So I’m passing this award on to these amazing bloggers, who are also awesome fan fiction writers or readers...

One of the first lovely ladies to welcome me into the fan fiction community was my darling Greenabsinthia. She has a wonderful book blog, Scribbles & Stories, and has introduced me to Nicole Peeler’s and Gail Carringer’s books. I’m also an occasional guest reviewer there. Check out @Greenabsinthia’s blog at

Happily Ever After Reads
is a book blog hosted by @Kristin_Eliza and @WC78 (Jess). These lovely ladies are prolific readers, and my go-to girls for recommendations on books with a good dose of hotness, angst and happy endings.

Another dear friend, @Missie_Bee, also has an awesome book blog  called The Unread Reader at  She is a dedicated book blogger, fanfic author and talented graphic artist. I recently featured a banner she made for our fanfiction story, Choices, a fanfic story I am writing with @Bontempscutie under the penname, OTD4500.

Many of the amazing ladies I have met online also share a love of cooking, baking and eating with me. Here are two bloggers that deserve some recognition.

A Duchess Cooks in Brooklyn
is an awesome blog full of recipes and great food pics. I found this blog recently when @Zhivago3 tweeted about it. Check it out!

And last but not least, two more lovely friends, @SuzapaloozaFF and @Sapfirerose have just started new healthy eating blog called The Healthy Duo, complete with yummy recipes and healthy eating ideas. You can read more here!

So enjoy, and pass it along!


  1. *hugs*! Thanks so much Mare!
    Hotness, angst and HEAs...yup, pretty much covers it!

  2. Very cool post! Now I can't decide what I want to do next, eat or read? lol
    Maybe I'll just do both!

    Congrats to all you amazing bloggers!

  3. I am so honored! Thank you so very much! It's my turn now, right? I think I'm going to include this in my first new post on the new blog.

  4. I'd love to drive coast to coast someday, and go to Alaska.

    Thanks for sharing these fun facts, hun. And you better get that book done!

    Love that you still have that blinky up! Thanks for the awards. You're awesome to think of me. :)
