Friday, August 5, 2011

The Friday Five:Favorite Bones Scenes

Howdy Night Huntress fang-atics! Missie from  The Unread Reader here to present my top five favorite BONES scenes.

But first, I have to ask, what was I thinking? Seriously?

When Mare asked me if I'd like to guest post about my top five Bones scenes, I squee'd. I love Bones so much I figured it would be easy to single out my favorite bits featuring him. But then as I prepared to do this post, I thought, Really, only FIVE favorite Bones scenes? Bloody hell, how am I supposed to do that?

Suddenly, the task seemed impossible. I mean Bones is such an magnetic and mesmerizing character, and he plays such a pivotal role in the series. You could say that literally, everything he says or does is my favorite! But I guess if I have to pick, I'll try to go with stuff that is a bit off the beaten path in order to avoid listing all the poignant scenes we all know and love so well.  

1. Bones teaching Cat how to fight dirty. "There is only one way to fight, and that's dirty. Clean, gentlemanly fighting will get you nowhere but dead, and fast. Take every cheap shot, every low blow, absolutely kick people when they're down, and then maybe you'll be the one who walks away. Remember that." HTTG, chapter 3.

Could Bones get any more real with Cat in making sure she understood this lesson on defending herself? Fighting dirty may not be very honorable, but somehow the way Bones explained it, I couldn't help but admire him. 

2. Bones revealing his human name. "But I'm not lying, pet. My name is Crispin. Crispin Phillip Arthur Russell III. That last part was merely a bit of fancy on my mum's part, since clearly she had no idea who my da was. Still, she thought adding numerals after my name would give me a bit of dignity. Poor sweet woman, ever reluctant to face reality." HTTG, chapter 8.

I loved how Bones set up a ruse around his name just to take Cat out on a real date.  It was so incredibly sweet and thoughtful of him, but not only that, as he revealed his human name, it was with complete honesty and a bit of mirth.

3. The reunion sex. *blushes* Don't judge me. Four years is a freaking long time! And yes, I know everyone makes a big deal about Chapter 32, and I'll admit it's good, but the need to connect they felt after Cat's near death experience and after so long was something I could hardly forget.

"I can't wait," Bones muttered fiercely.  If speaking was still in my control, I would have immediately agreed. But all my vocal abilities were used on gasping at the unbelievable sensations his fingers caused. Bones shifted, I heard another rip, and then he thrust deeply inside me. His mouth claimed mine at the same instant, muffling my cry at the ecstasy of his hard flesh filling me. Then there was the sweetest edge of pain as he began to move rhythmically, almost roughly, inside me. OFITG, chapter 21.

4. The piano slam. Bones' pain was so freaking palpable, I almost chocked on it. Not only did that scene leave me drowning in my tears, it freaking tore my heart out. After all they'd been through and after all the ways he never wavered and always fought to prove his devotion and love to Cat, the utter defeat he felt in this scene really made me want to reach through the book and tear Cat's limbs off myself.
“Kitten.” His voice was thick with something I couldn’t name. “This  is  the part...where you don’t have a choice.” DFAEG, chapter 17

5. The crumbling of the last wall. As thick-headed as Cat can be, a character trait makes her truly remarkable to Bones (if not a bit infuriating), I was so happy when she not only realized the depth of Bones' true feelings for her from his simple statement, but also decided that she needed to bare herself to him completely. It was such a tenderly aching scene that I needed to see their infinite circle of love solidified. 
“Kitten”—Bones paused from pulling on his shirt—“four hours of sleep while holding you is far more beneficial to me than eight hours of endless tossing and turning because you’re not there.”
I couldn’t say anything for a moment. His tone was utterly matter-of-fact, no hint of romantic exaggeration or playful bantering. After all this time, I should be used to Bones’s unabashed bluntness about his feelings, but it still struck me. He didn’t hesitate to bare the most vulnerable parts of himself without care that I wasn’t the only one who could hear him. TSOTG, chapter 25

So that's it! A few of my favorite Bones scenes from a basket the size of Texas. Thank goodness Mare limited me or I'd be quoting the whole series.

What are some of your favorite Bones scenes? I'd love to compare notes.

Texas sized hugs to Mare for letting me guest post today. This was a fun (and exhausting because of staying up way past my bedtime to re-read Bones' scenes) assignment, and I can't wait for the release of One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress, #6) so I can add more favorites to the long list.

Missie, The Unread Reader


  1. Awesome list Missie! I actually got the idea for the Friday Five when doing a re-read of FDOC recently. I love the scene where Bones talks to Denise about how Spade feels, and thought that would be one of my top 5 scenes. So then I got thinking what else would I pick.. so mine would be:

    - the first time he tells her he loves her
    - when he sees her for the first time after 4 years
    - retrieving her from Vlads in DFAEG
    -the piano scene
    - talking to Denise about Spade in FDOC

    I just love how he talks straight with her.

    Thanks for sharing your favs with us!

  2. Fantastic list of Bones moments! I can't imagine how hard it was to narrow the list down, picking just 5 per book would be hard :)

    I have so many favorites, but overall I just love how Bones tells and shows Cat he loves her. All the different ways, either through funny moments, sweet scenes or even the angsty ones, his is just the ultimate.

  3. @mare, Ah yes, I can't forget how awesome it was when Bones goes to collect his wife. It was funny to see Vlad so aggravated about it and Bones so calm and collected.

    @Jess, The way Bones expresses his feelings, always uninhibited, is truly remarkable and just makes him such a beloved character.

  4. OMG! Who could forget the reunion at Denise and Randy's wedding?? Whew!

    "He held out his hand. 'Mind if I have a drop from your  bottle  first?"

    I handed over the gin, careful not to let my fingers graze his. Instead of drinking from it, however, Bones grasped the  bottle  and stared into my eyes as he licked my blood off the slick glass surface. His tongue curved around every contour of the  bottle , and heat flared through me as I watched, mesmerized. When there was not a red drop left on it, he passed it back into my suddenly shaking hand."

    *fans self*

  5. OMG love Bones so much! But I love him for his humor just as much as his sexy-hawt-awesomeness! My favorite funny Bones...haha funny-bones...scene is in At Grave's End when he tells Justina that he and Cat are engaged. I LOVE it! :)

  6. Favorite scene? You dare to ask me to pick? ;)

    Oh fine... all of them! If it has Bones in it... I'm good. I mean even when he's a snot... you still gotta love him! :)

  7. Great post - yes I'm just catching up from having been on vacay lol. I think one of my fave Bones scenes was the reunion after Cat thought Patra's people had killed Bones:
    "...need to see my wife," was all I heard before I started to scream, staggering over the coffee table in a blind frenzy to run toward that voice.
    Arms seized me, pressing me against a body that collided so forcefully with mine, we fell onto the floor. My face was stuffed next to a throat vibrating with that familiar accented voice. "...missed you so much, Kitten, I love you..."


  8. Yesssssssss! Totally agree, and I've actually quoted that fight scene advice to people! I'd have to say another fav scence of mine is when he tells Justince what's up when she comes to Cat's house after C&B reunited! LOVED how he got her there. Also, really, really love the infamous deleted scene when he says, "If I die, I will wait for you, do you understand? No matter how long. I will watch from beyond to make sure you live every year you have to its fullest, and then we’ll have so much to talk about when I see you again…" How could you not love a guy who says that?

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